8:00 AM

This traditional service is filled with hymns and songs of our faith followed by a Biblical message from our pastoral staff.

9:15 AM

Groups of all ages gather together for Sunday School to study the Word of God deeper. For more information, visit the Ministries link in menu.

10:30 AM

This service features contemporary praise and worship songs along with traditional hymns followed by a Biblical message from our pastoral staff.


What do I wear?

You don't have to dress up unless you want to. We don't try to impress anyone but God!

Where do I enter the church?

Off street parking is available in the Manna Parking lot at Chestnut and A Street and is also available on all surrounding streets. You can enter through the North Gym doors, go down the hallway through the gym and left toward the sanctuary. You can also park on Central, come up the steps and enter through the glass doors at Central and B Street. You can avoid the steps by taking the ramp or take the courtyard path and enter through the Main Office foyer.

Are there things for my kids during the service?

After worshiping in song, Kindergarten through 4th grade children are dismissed for Kingdom Kids while adults remain in the sanctuary for a Biblical message from our pastoral staff. Children will enjoy a time designed specifically for them with Biblical teaching, music, crafts, and games in the Gym.

Is there a nursery available?

A nursery is available for children 4 and under. The nursery is located through the Main Office courtyard doors, to the left and then left again down the hallway before the gym. Nursery signs are posted. All who work with children at FBC have passed background checks to ensure your child's safety. Your child is checked in through the Planning Center app and will receive a name sticker.

Do I give an offering?

Members and regular attendees are encouraged to give as the Lord leads while visitors are not expected to contribute but are certainly encouraged to do so if they feel led. "God loves a cheerful giver" -- 2 Corinthians 9:6-8

When is Communion observed?

The first Sunday of each month we commemorate Jesus' sacrificial death and resurrection. Grape juice is provided instead of wine. Visitors are welcome to participate but we suggest only those who have made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ take the elements.


220 E Central, Arkansas City, KS

620.442.3510 |

Copyright 2024-2025 FBC Ark City. All Rights Reserved.